New Indus Valley Residential School Review on Virtual Classroom
When seen from the educational point of view, education in our everyday life has led to various economic growth, social change nationwide, and so forth. In this modernistic time, we see that the mode of education is becoming easier with the reach of future advancements.
We see various systems that make use of technologies and tools to deliver education. During this present time, one much trending mode of learning is the “Virtual Classroom”.
Virtual Classroom Explained
Virtual Classroom is a digital learning procedure that makes use of the internet and its other web tools and software to render distance learners. Further, here education has been delivered to those students who couldn’t make it for on-site campus offline learning.
So, in order to make the study possible for them, virtual Classroom impacts a great role as students can continue learning and be part of the institute through using various kinds of devices viz: Mobile Phones, Desktop, Laptops, and more.
These days, virtual Classroom is in the high-trending scenario and can replace even the traditional mode because of its rapid growth aiding the institutes all over and converting university-based syllabi to e-forms facilities. This led New Indus Valley to create an online version to lay contexts and cherish the features available.
Characteristics Features of New Indus Valley Virtual Classroom
Virtual Classrooms have gained high recognition due to the below-mentioned characteristics features like cost-effectiveness, easy accessibility, flexible frames, collaborative, experimental, and so forth:
#1. Cost-Effective
Here the learning is very budget-friendly as one doesn’t need to spend huge money to join or even travel a long distance to pursue by reaching on-campus. So, there is a restriction on the amount makes it possible for many aspirants to avail of this mode.
#2. Easy Accessibility
Virtual Classroom can be accessible from any part of the world. Besides, one will have to be independent to opt for the topics covered at New Indus Valley to learn and join the same, without waiting and from the comfort of their home.
#3. Flexible
This mode of Classroom is very flexible because it brings one to present with a tutor and use free time for learning as they will not be physically present in the room.
#4. Collaborative
The team formed for projects, GD or competition, is set to render marks over some shared interests. They can turn their best subject matter of keenness into something that features best, dig out talents, and provoke one’s brain, thereby boosting intellect.
#5. Experimental
Innovation brings both tutors and learners to engage in new techniques delivering protective learning in the area with new procedures, analyzing the concepts, and being interactive and committed to productivity.
Few other features are Features, Session Recording, Sharing of Resources on Screen, Utilizing Whiteboard, Live Tech-Support,
Absolute Pros of New Indus Valley Virtual Classroom
- The session gets interactive through quick answers, solutions, and participation.
- Easy to adapt in the field of education
- Saves a lot of time as well as money
- Learners can work in either small/large teams and lead collaborations.
- One can earn time with the subject formation based on a range of queries.
- There is no time-bound, and classes can be conducted irrespective of preferred slots and at their own speed, contributing more through the live session.
- No need for space problems fixed within the four walls, as it can be conducted anywhere, no matter the hours.
Trends & Worth-Taking Keys in Virtual Training
When it comes to trends, short virtual classrooms are given many offerings. Previously, we saw the class duration was restricted to around 60 to 90 minutes. However, in the present scenario, it is only around 60 minutes or 45 mins or even less (15% of the result is as per the survey). Using webcams in a virtual class by tutors has grown to 23%, which is quite utter dismay. Further, 42% of tutors use web cameras just at the start and then nowhere after that.
One such reason for doing so was told it was due to lack of internet bandwidth, along with some tech issues.
So, as far as academic performance is concerned, learners through virtual Classroom gain more knowledge and perform well as they develop their own habits of studying their interests, without any pressure, which is usually seen in traditional classrooms.